Great news from English Essay Competition

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Gratulujeme Alexandre Špánikovej zo IV.C k tretiemu miestu v kategórii B (tretiaci a štvrtáci) v celoslovenskej súťaži: English Essay Competition, ktorú každoročne organizuje LEAF Academy. Jej esej patrí medzi najlepšie z viac ako 100 esejí na celom Slovensku a bude zverejnená v časopise The Slovak Spectator.

More words in the „native language“ of the competition:

This year’s essay competition, held by LEAF Academy, was a great success for our school. We want to thank all the students who decided to take part and write an essay, even though they were exhausted after all the online remote learning. Topics were great and all the essays I had the opportunity to read were great, too. You can check the winners and the ceremony here: English Essay Competition – LEAF Academy. You will find out that we have been granted the pleasure to congratulate Alexandra Špániková from IV.C on 3rd place in category B! Congratulations Alexandra!

Her essay, on the topic “To Ensure Democracy, Should Voting Be A Requirement As It Is In Some Other Countries, Such As Australia Or Latin American Countries?”, was assessed and evaluated among the 4 best essays in her category out of more than 100 essays from all around Slovakia! The jury wrote that she showed a high level of English writing skills and that she can deliver a very good academic essay. She won beautiful prizes and her essay will be published in The Slovak Spectator magazine. I asked her to write a bit about her experience. Here it is:

“The LEAF Academy Essay Writing Competition was a great opportunity for me, not just to improve my English, but also research skills. We live in the digital era, which means that tons of information are available on the Internet. However, not all the posts and articles on the Internet are correct or true. Essay writing helped me to improve in finding trustworthy information and analysing it.

In my opinion, the best thing about this competition were the topics. In all categories there were three topics and all of them were really interesting, it was difficult for me to choose one.

At first, it was challenging for me to analyse and evaluate the gathered information but at the same time I had a chance to learn many new things and to improve my English as well.

I am thankful to LEAF Academy for giving me the opportunity to participate in this competition. It was a great experience for me and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in writing, sharing ideas, looking for arguments and increasing knowledge on different topics.”

Thank you Alexandra, and we hope that a lot of students from our school will follow your example and recommendation.

A. Trenčanová